MSc in Business Administration Specializing in Sustainable Management

Awarded by

iQualify UK


18 months



Type of Study

Full - Time



Qualification Overview

The Steinbeis master’s program with a focus on Sustainable Management is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intersection of business and sustainability. As industries and organizations around the world face increasing pressure to manage their impact not just on the economy and society, but also on the environment, this program provides a critical understanding of the latest sustainability issues and regulations.

The program includes a mandatory business management foundation module that provides students with strong basic knowledge in business. In addition, the specialization in Sustainable Management offers an in-depth understanding of various sustainability issues and legal regulations, enabling students to develop strategic and operational concepts to promote sustainability in their current or future businesses.

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You Will Learn To:
  • Gain a fresh perspective on sustainable and management functions.
  • Understand what of your new knowledge is relevant to your company and incorporate this into your business strategies.
  • Lead your organization to become more sustainably focused.

Your Curriculum

This unique online master’s enables our students to gain a broad set of management skills based on innovative knowledge, tools, and practices.

Your Foundation Modules - General and Innovative
  • Strategy
  • Markets and Marketing
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Design and IT Systems
  • Finance and Investments
  • Accounting and Controlling
  • Operations Management
  • Sustainable Leadership and Management
Your Specialization Modules - Sustainable Management
  • Sustainability in Society, Economy, & Organization
  • Sustainable/Responsible Management
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable Growth Strategies
  • Sustainable Finance and Risk
  • Sustainable Mindset and Practices of Management

Your Career Prospects



CSR Manager

Green Business



Cost of Study

The total cost of study covers access to the INSIDER Online Learning Tool, teaching materials available via the e-learning platform, access to online libraries, and professional coaching during your studies.

Fee Breakdown
  • Tuition Fee: €3,375 (Payable to University)
  • Enrollment Fee: €499 (Payable to iQualifyUK)
  • Total Cost: €3,874


  • Minimum 3 years of bachelor’s degree
  • 2 years full time experience after graduation / 2 years bachelor’s degree with 7 years full-time experience after graduation with an entry test /  Intermediate with 10 years of full-time experience after graduation with an entry test
  • With an overall C grade. 
  • IELTS: 6.5 OR Duolingo: 110

Get in touch with our admission counsellor for any queries