All Courses


Online / Blended Learning

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Postgraduate Programmes

Degree Level: postgraduate

Awarded by: LRN

Duration: 6 Months

Degree Level: postgraduate

Awarded by: CMI

Duration: 6 Months

Undergraduate Programmes

Degree Level: 4

Delivered by: iQualify UK

Awarded by: ABE UK

Duration: 9 Months

Degree Level: 5

Delivered by: iQualify UK

Awarded by: ABE UK

Duration: 9 Months

Degree Level: 6

Delivered by: iQualify UK

Awarded by: ABE UK

Duration: 9 Months

Degree Level: 6

Awarded by: UoH

Delivered by: ABE UK

Duration: 1 Year

International Foundation Programmes

Level: 3

Awarded by: LRN UK

Duration: 9 Months

Chartered Manager

Badge: CMgr 

Awarded by: CMI UK

Membership: Annual 

MOOCs / CPD Courses

Employability Skills


Awarded by: iQualifyuk

Duration: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

Business Analysis


Awarded by: iQualifyuk

Duration: 8 Hours

Digital Marketing


Awarded by: iQualifyuk

Duration: 12 Hours 24 Minutes


Online Courses

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